Class Descriptions

Kinderdance - for ages 3-5

A free style dance movement class to express creativity, build co-ordination and muscle control, serving as a preparation for further dance training.

Ballet - ages 6 & over

Elementary classes include the study of basic feet, arm, and body positions with simple dance step combinations. Intermediate classes introduce students to poise, posture and proper technique.

Tap - ages 6 & over

Classes begin with basic tap steps and terminology, then advance gradually towards perfecting sound, timing, rhythm, and performance.

Jazz - ages 6 & Over

Taught with today's music, Jazz offers a combination of aerobics, ballet, and fun, helping students develop a sense of various rhythms through musical interpretation and body placement.


A freestyle and interpretive form of Dance leaning towards a strong influence of ballet.


Acrobatics performed to music.  When performed with slow music this form of dance shows beautiful control, balance and poise.  When performed with faster music, acro adds excitement and freedom


You’ll see it in today’s most popular Dance videos!  It’s a fun form of rhythm and motion that takes Jazz dancing into the street….to be enjoyed by males and females of any age.

Musical Theatre

Combines dance, acting and singing.  It gives the student the opportunity to perform in other artistic endeavors such as acting (drama/comedy).  It helps the student to develop confidence and showmanship.